About me

Connect with me!

I’m a bookbinder and crafter with a lifetime love of books and making things

I’ve had a love of books since I could first hold one in my hands. From finding old books in the back bin of an antiques store to beautiful gilded leather bound novels that I re-read every year.  Everything from teeny pocket books to beautiful fabric covered journals.

Any time I can find sources of materials that help others, either through sustainable recyclable practices or supporting other small businesses I choose them every time. My goal is always to strive for quality. And to practice supporting fair trade or small businesses as much as possible.

I want to share my love of bookbinding with anyone and everyone.  Finding some parts of the process of learning to be difficult, hard to find resources as well as kits that don’t contain everything you need. I’m hoping to create a place that solves all of those needs for you, to make it easier and fun. Videos and tutorials as well as inexpensive material kits so you can learn and explore as you go.

I’m still learning the art and am excited to share everything I’m learning with you.

I LOVE suggestions! So let me know anything you’d like to see or learn how to do and I’ll get on it. I want to share my enthusiasm with everyone to bring more life to the ancient art of bookbinding.